Board Committees

The Audit Committee was set up on 31 October 2006 pursuant to Board of Directors resolution 34-01. The members of the Audit Committee are responsible for the effective conduct of functions related to the Bank’s internal audit, risk management, and internal control activities.

The Audit Committee’s duties are:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of the internal control system through internal control and internal audit units;
  • Overseeing whether or not Bank’s internal policies, practices, and procedures approved by the Board of Directors are being complied with and making recommendations to the Board of Directors on measures that need to be taken;
  • Monitoring and assessing the Bank’s internal audit syst
  • Overseeing whether or not the internal audit unit is fulfilling the obligations specified in regulations and internal policies;Examining internal regulations concerning designated strategies, policies, and programs related to internal audit and concerning the structure of the internal audit unit and submitting those that it deems suitable to the Board of Directors for its approval;
  • And assessing whether or not there exist essential methods, practices, and procedures to identify and control the risks to which the Bank is exposed.
  • Reviewing independent auditors’ assessments concerning the compliance of the Bank’s accounting practices with laws, regulations, and administrative provisions; reviews the results of independent audits together with senior management and independent auditors and resolves any issues concerning which doubts may be expressed by independent auditors or in their reports;
  • Assessing the adequacy and reliability of independent auditors, rating agencies, assessor companies, and support service providers which the Bank may sign contracts with and submitting a report of their findings to the Board of Directors; repeating these tasks regularly at maximum intervals of three months during the term of the agreement in the event service is obtained therefrom;
  • Overseeing whether or not the information contained in the Bank’s financial reports is true and complete, and reporting any findings to relevant authorities;
  • Discussing with the independent auditors whether or not financial reports accurately reflect the Bank’s financial standing, the results of transactions that have been performed, and the Bank’s cash flows, whether or not they are drawn up in compliance with the procedures and principles set out in laws, regulations and other applicable legislation;
  • Reporting their activities conducted during the reporting period, the results thereof, and the opinions of the Committee to the Board of Directors at maximum intervals of six months.
Compensation Committee Position Title
Recep Süleyman ÖZDİL Chairman Chairman Of Board and Independent Board Member
Mevlüt UYSAL Member Vice Chairman Of Board Of Directors and Independent Board Member


The committee is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Bank’s corporate governance principles. The chairman of the committee is a non-executive board member to be designated by the Board of Directors. In the absence of the chairman, the other board member serves as the chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee. The Corporate Governance Committee convenes on dates, at times, and in places determined by the committee’s chairman. Other bank officers may be invited by the committee chairman to take part in meetings to obtain information from them or to hear their views. The duties of the Corporate Governance Committee consist of monitoring the Bank’s compliance with corporate governance principles in accord with the provisions of the “Regulation on the Bank’s Corporate Governance Principles” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, and the “Corporate Governance Principles” published by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey; undertaking improvement efforts and making recommendations to the Board of Directors in this matter.

Corporate Governance Committee Position Title
Recep Süleyman ÖZDİL Chairman Chairman Of Board and Independent Board Member
Şeref AKSAÇ Member Board Member
Yusuf Duran OCAK  Member Deputy General Manager responsible for Financial Management and Planning
Ali ŞÖNER Member Deputy General Manager responsible for Treasury Management and International Banking
Fatih ŞAHBAZ Member Deputy General Manager responsible for Human Resources and Support Services 
Halil İbrahim YILDIZ Member Head of Human Resources Department
Osman BEKTAŞ Member Head of Financial Accounting Department


It is a committee formed for the purpose of examining and evaluating the operational risks in our Bank and its subsidiaries and deciding on points to take necessary measures. The Chairman of the Committee is Deputy General Manager of Internal Systems. In the absence of the Chairman, the Deputy General Director of Operational Transactions and Information Technologies presides. The Operational Risk Committee meets at least every three months on the date and time which are determined by the Chairman of the Committee.

Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of the Operational Risk Committee;

  • Analyzing and evaluating the Bank’s operational risks on consolidated and unconsolidated basis; and deciding on points to take necessary measures.
  • Giving suggestions to the end that the operational risk loss database for monitoring operational risks shall comply with national and international regulations as well as changes arising from non-regulatory developments.
  • Identifying the unit executives in charge of implementation of the decisions taken at committee meeting intended for preventing operational risks arising out of the Bank and its subsidiaries.
  • Assessing the risk appetite and risk limits for operational risks which are determined by the Board of Directors. The Committee evaluates the risk analysis reports prepared by the business units in order to explain the causes of the operational risks leading up excess risk; and ensures that the decisions regarding the prevention / transfer / acceptance of the risk are taken.
  • To ensure the dissemination of the operational risk culture, the Bank makes recommendations (In-class training, E-learning, electronic announcements on ‘’Operational Risk Warning, ‘’Security Announcements’’ related to the risks that our bank may face etc.) in order to increase the awareness of the bank's personnel about operational risks.
  • Establishing sub-working groups at committee chairman’s discretion with the intention of assessing operational risks more frequently if it is considered necessary.


Operational Risk Committee Position Title
Hamdi COŞGUN Chairman Head of Internal Systems Group 
Ergin KAYA Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Operational Transactions and Digital Transformation
Olcay ATLIOĞLU Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Information Technologies (CTO)
Fatih ŞAHBAZ Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Human Resources And Support Services  
Altan TAŞKIRAN Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Retail And Digital Banking 
Ali CEBECİ Member Head of Inspection Board of Internal Auditors
Ahmet Mustafa DOĞAN Member Head of Internal Control Department
Burak KARATAŞ Member Head of Risk Management Department
Samet DEMİRCİ Member Head of Compliance Department
Abdullah GÜRHAN Member Head of Central Operations Department
Süleyman Baran KOYUNCU Member Head of Branch Operations Department
Mehmet SEVİMLİ Member Head of Legal Affairs Department
Uğur Deniz ŞAHİN Member Head of Treasury Operations Department
Ahmet Cemal EREN Member Head of Tax Management and Payments Department
Mustafa ERMİŞ Member Head of Foreign Transactions Department
Yusuf ERBAŞ Member Head of Subsidiaries Coordination Department 
Kadriye Çimen BOZACI Member  Head of  Central Operations Department 
Okan KARADAĞ Member Head of Information Technologies Planning And Governance Department 
Hakan ARMAĞAN Member Vice Chairman of Board of Internal Auditors  Responsible for Inquisition-Investigation
Rifat Tolga ARICA Member Division Manager of Risk Management Department Responsible for Operational Risk Management
Alper TORUN Member Information Systems Security Office
Fatma AYDIN KHALİL Member Division Manager of Branch Operations Department Responsible for Secure Banking Operations
Sedat ERDOĞAN Member Division Manager of Retail Banking Department Responsible for Insurance 
Rifat ÖZTÜRK Member Division Manager of Human Resources Department Responsible for Ethical Standards and Discipline

The Credit Committee performs credit-related duties with which it is charged by the Board of Directors. This committee consists of the general manager and of at least two board members who satisfy all the qualifications required of a general manager save for term of office. When a Credit Committee member is unable to attend a meeting, he or she will be replaced by an alternate member who will be selected from amongst the board members who satisfy all the qualifications required of a general manager save for term of office. The general manager is the head of the Credit Committee. In the general manager’s absence, one of the other associate committee members serves as the chairman. The chairman of the Credit Committee is responsible for the effective and sound coordination of the committee’s activities. The Credit Committee must convene at least once a week in a meeting attended by all of its members.

The Credit Committee’s duties are:

  • Implementing lending policies approved by the Board of Directors concerning the dimensions of the Bank’s total placements portfolio and its distribution by sector, geographical region, and credit type;
  • Making recommendations to the Board of Directors for the determination of principles and procedures relevant to the Bank’s credit policies and to its lending on a portfolio and private individual/corporate entity basis;
  • Ensuring that the credit portfolio is managed within the framework of generally accepted risk management principles.
  • The Credit Committee may delegate some of its duties and authorities, provided that the scope and limits of these powers are explicitly defined; but it may not delegate any authorities concerning any type of unsecured credit other than retail loans and it is responsible for monitoring and checking the activities of the body to which it has delegated such authorities.
Credit Committee Position Title
Osman ARSLAN Chairman Board Member and General Manager
Mevlüt UYSAL Member Vice Chairman Of Board Of Directors and Independent Board Member
Şeref AKSAÇ Member Board Member
Sezai UÇARMAK Associate Member Board Member 
Maksut SERİM  Associate Member Board Member 

The Assets and Liabilities Committee is responsible for determining policies related to the management of the Bank’s assets and liabilities and to the deployment of resources for that purpose and for making decisions that will be carried out by the units that are involved in the management of the Bank’s balance sheet. The committee’s duties consist of discussing and assessing developments in the Bank’s financial structure, portfolio, budget, loan and deposit interest rates; developments in money and capital markets; and developments in the Bank itself as well as in other banks. The committee regularly meets once a week but it must meet at least once a month. Meeting places and times are announced by the chairman. Other assistant general managers and bank officers may be invited by the committee to take part in its meetings to obtain information from them or to hear their views. The head of Budget and Reporting Management is responsible for organizing the committee’s meetings and recording the decisions taken at them.

Assets and Liabilities Committee Position Title
Osman ARSLAN  Chairman Board Member and General Manager
Yalçın MADENCİ  Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Corporate and Commercial Marketing
Hasan TUNCAY Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for SME Banking
Altan TAŞKIRAN Member  Deputy General Manager Responsible for Retail And Digital Banking
İlhan BÖLÜKBAŞ Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Loan Allocation and Management
Tahir DEMİRKIRAN Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Loan Policies Monitoring And Specialized Loans
Celal CANDAN Member Deputy General Manager Credit Risk Liquidation and Legal Affairs
Ali ŞÖNER Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Treasury Management and International Banking
Ergin KAYA Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Operational Transactions and Digital Transformation
Yusuf Duran OCAK  Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Financial Management and Planning
Olcay ATLIOĞLU Member Deputy General Manager Information Technologies
Fatih ŞAHBAZ Member Deputy General Manager responsible for Human Resources and Support Services 
Hamdi COŞGUN Member Head of Internal Systems Group
Ali CEBECİ Member Head of Inspection Board of Internal Auditors
Caner GÖKBULUT Member Head of Corporate Communications Department 
Burak KARATAŞ Member Head of Risk Management Department 

Halkbank’s Compensation Committee, established according to the Board of Directors’ decision dated December 27, 2011, and numbered 41-32, continues to monitor and supervise compensation practices on behalf of the Board of Directors in an effective manner.

Compensation Committee Position Title
Mihrimah Belma SEKMEN Chairman Independent Board Member
Meltem Taylan AYDIN Member Board Member


A body that reports to the Bank's Board of Directors with the goal of coordinating the bank's sustainability efforts.

Duties and Authorizations of the Sustainability Committee:

Follow-up and implementation of the “Sustainability Policy” defined by the Board of Directors, 

Coordination of the bank's sustainability efforts, and running an assessment of the economic, environmental, and social effects of its activities,

Determining how to mitigate possible adverse effects of the bank's activities on sustainability and creating work groups with the relavant departments,

Establishing the bank's energy management procedures and principles. Analyzing the results of data on energy management. Providing recommendations regarding measures that need to be taken by contacting relevant departments of the bank. Providing reports and/or statements to public disclosure platforms as required,

Building the infrastructure that is suitable for the bank in legal/illegal situations. As a public bank traded on Borsa Istanbul, carrying out the necessary works and coordinating internal regulations within the bank so as to be listed and to remain in the BIST Sustainability Index, which covers the highest performing companies,

Providing opinions and recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to the bank'a acitivities and shortcomings on sustainability.

Establishes working groups on sustainability from the relevant departments and, if necessary, receives technical consultancy from outside the Bank without the approval of the Board of Directors.

Sustainability Committee  Position Title
Mihrimah Belma SEKMEN Chairman Independent Board Member 
Ebubekir ŞAHİN Member Board Member
Yusuf Duran OCAK Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Financial Management and Planning
Ergin KAYA Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Operational Transactions and Digital Transformation
Yalçın MADENCİ Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Corporate and Commercial Marketing
Hasan TUNCAY Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for SME Banking
Fatih ŞAHBAZ Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Human Resources  and Support Services
Olcay ATLIOĞLU Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Information Technologies
Tahir DEMİRKIRAN Member Deputy General Manager Responsible for Loan Policies Monitoring And Specialized Loans
Hamdi COŞGUN Member Head of Internal Systems Group
Miraç TAŞ Member Head of Sustainability Department
İsa Emre ÖÇAL Member Head of  Credit Policies Department
Muharrem BAYKARA Member Head of Investor Relations Department (a)
Süleyman Baran KOYUNCU Member Head of Branch Operations Department
  Member Head of International Banking and Financial Institutions Department
Hacı BEKDUR Member Head of Support and Purchasing Services Department
Mehmet TANRIVERDİ Member Head of Construction Expertise and Real Estate Management Department
İbrahim Okan ÇAĞLAR Member Head of Budget and Reporting Department
Selma ŞEN Member Head of Enterprise Architecture Department
Mehmet Hakan TERCAN Member Head of Infrastructure Management Department
Halil İbrahim YILDIZ  Member Head of Human Resources Department
Burak KARATAŞ Member Head of Risk Management Department
Caner GÖKBULUT Member Head of Corporate Communications Department
Fazlı AĞKOÇ Member Head of Company And Project Analysis Department

Information Technologies (IT) Strategy Committee is set up to oversee, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the Bank’s IT investments’ consistency with the IT Strategy Plan, and the Bank’s business objectives with its IT objectives. 

The primary duties of the Committee are to review, and revise where necessary, the IT strategy plan with reference to the “Regulation on the Information Systems of the Banks and Electronic Banking Services” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency; to assess the IT strategy plan’s orderly implementation; and to see whether the IT investments are duly utilized or not, and whether the Bank’s IT objectives align well with its business objectives.

Information Technologies Strategy Committee Position Title
  Chairman General Manager and Board Member
All / Deputy General Managers Member Deputy General Manager
  Member Head of Internal Systems Group
  Member Head of Board Of Internal Auditors  
  Member Head of IT Departments 
  Member Head of  Digital Transformation Department
  Member Information Security Officer

The Personal Data Protection (KVK) Committee is set up to perform the Bank’s obligations as a data controller, under the Law no. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) and secondary regulations.

The primary duty of the Committee is to fulfill, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the Bank’s obligations given its status as a data controller under KVKK and secondary regulations.

 Personal Data Protection Committee Position Title
  Chairman  Head of Branch Operations Department
  MemberHead of Legal Affairs Department Head of Legal Affairs Department
  Member  Head of Human Resources Department
  Member Head of Enterprise Architecture Department
  Member Head of IT Departments Reporting To CTO
  Member Head of Digital Banking Department
  Member Head of Retail Banking Department
Head of Customer Communication Center  Department
  Member  Contact Person who is registereded to Data Controllers Registry Information System

The Bank's Business Continuity and Emergency Action Committee is set up to ensure the decisions required in the face of emergencies and unexpected circumstances are taken.

The primary duties of the Committee are to specify the principles to be observed by the relevant units in the face of emergencies and unexpected developments, and to issue the instructions required for the fulfillment of these principles; to implement the Business Continuity and Emergency Action Plan in case of emergencies and unexpected circumstances; to have the Business Continuity and Emergency Action Scenarios tested and tried, and the results evaluated; to oversee the Bank’s internal procedures regarding emergencies and unexpected circumstances; to ensure remedial action based on the conclusions of its assessment; to ensure the build-up of a management and operating environment free from the same risks affecting the primary service environment, for use when necessary.

Bank's Business Continuity and Emergency Action Committee Position Title
  Chairman  General Manager and Board Member
All / Deputy General Managers Member Deputy General Manager
  Member Head of Internal Systems Group
  Member Head of Board Of Internal Auditors  
  Member Head of  Departments Reporting To COO 
  Member  Head of IT Departments Reporting To CTO
  Member Head of Human Resources Department
Head of Digital Banking Department
  Member Head of Payment Systems Services Department
  Member Head of Payment Systems Marketing Department
  Member Head of Treasury Management Department
  Member Head of Asset-Liability Management Department
  Member Head of Financial Accounting Department
  Member Head of Budget and Reporting Department
  Member Head of Enterprise Architecture Department
  Member Head of Corporate Communications  Department
  Member Head of Internal Control Department
  Member Head of Risk Management Department
  Member Information Systems Security Officer

The Information Technologies (IT) Steering Committee is set up to provide assistance to the IT Strategy Committee and senior management.

The primary duties of the Committee are to set the priority levels of IT investments and projects; to monitor the state of ongoing IT projects, to settle the conflicts regarding resources between the projects; to ensure and supervise the regulatory compliance of the IT architecture and projects; and to provide required guidance for the implementation of IT requirements in line with strategic priorities.

The IT Steering Committee is comprised of the relevant IT and business unit directors, as per the provisions of the “Regulation on the Information Systems of the Banks and Electronic Banking Services” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

The Information Security Committee is set up to perform, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the tasks of developing and implementing the information security policy.

The primary duties of the Committee are to ensure that the Bank’s information security policy is developed and implemented on behalf of the Board of Directors; to oversee the application of the information security system in all processes and technologies applied by the Bank; to lead the efforts to make information security consistent with business requirements and strategies, and to ensure the effective involvement of the directors of business units, along with the adoption of the process throughout the Bank; and to ensure the implementation of the efforts to increase information security awareness levels.

The Information Security Committee is comprised of the relevant IT and business unit directors, as per the provisions of the “Regulation on the Information Systems of the Banks and Electronic Banking Services” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

The Information Technologies (IT) Continuity Committee is set up for the tasks of declaring a crisis situation taking all factors concerning the events occurring into account, deciding on the implementation of the IT plan, and ensuring coordination with other recovery, continuity and response teams.

The primary duties of the Committee are to establish the Bank’s IT continuity strategies and to develop short-, medium-, and long-term plans regarding the strategies; to assess the IT Continuity Management Process performance in the relevant time frame; to come up with actions to be introduced to achieve continuous improvement of the process; and to review the state of ongoing efforts.

The IT Continuity Committee is comprised of the relevant IT and business unit directors, as per the provisions of the “Regulation on the Information Systems of the Banks and Electronic Banking Services” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency

The Information Technologies (IT) Risk Management Committee is set up to analyze, reduce, monitor and report the risks to arise due to the use of information technologies in the banking operations.

The primary duties of the Committee are to review the areas where Information Technologies (IT) risk assessments are required; to oversee IT risk analyses, risk responses, and action plans; to review the risks and action plans requiring approvals / comments; to provide information to relevant management levels and committees with respect to the risks and action plans requiring approvals / comments; and to ensure the execution of corrective action within the framework of the continuous improvement plan, through a review of the IT Risk Management Process.

The IT Risk Management Committee is comprised of the relevant IT and business unit directors, as per the provisions of the “Regulation on the Information Systems of the Banks and Electronic Banking Services” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

Ethic Commission    
Fatih ŞAHBAZ Chairman Deputy General Manager Responsible for Human Resources and Support Services 
Ali CEBECİ Member Head of Board of Internal Auditors
Halil İbrahim YILDIZ Member Head of Human Resources Department
Mehmet SEVİMLİ Member Head of Legal Affairs Department
Rifat ÖZTÜRK Member Division Manager of Human Resources Department Responsible for Ethical Standards and Discipline