When I login to the Internet Branch, I am redirected to the password change screen. What should I do?

Existing customers need to enter their current password to the Current password field, and define a new password in password standards (minimum 6, maximum 10 characters containing at least one small letter, at least one capital letter and at least one number) for the New Password field.

I want to make my banking transactions with my mobile phone. Do you have a mobile branch?

You can carry out your banking transactions easily with your cell phones using Halkbank Mobile Banking channel anytime, anywhere.

You may access Halkbank Mobile Banking channel  by typing the address http://m.halkbank.com.tr on the browsers installed on your phone as well as via Mobile Banking application which you may download from the Apple Store and install on your iPhone.

What is Şifrebaz?

Şifrebaz is creating one time password to entrance Internet Branch and Mobile Branch.

If you prefer you can use Şifrebaz instead of SMS password when you are login to Internet /Mobile Branch. You can also use when your monet transactions are upper then your limits.

I do not use Şifrebaz. How can I login to the Internet Branch?

You can use Internet Branch with SMS Password. You do not need an additional application to use SMS Password.

SMS password does not reach to my mobile phone. How can I perform my operations without using SMS Password?

If your phone number recorded in our bank system is incorrect, you can call 0850 222 0 400 / 444 0 400 Halkbank Dialog and use phone banking, until your mobile phone number is updated.

If you know your Dialog password, you can call  Halkbank Dialog and press banking operations number 2 and perform your operations.

If you do not know your Dialog password, you can call  Halkbank Dialog and press password operations number 2 and define your password. And then you can use this password to perform your operations by pressing banking operations number 2.

What is SMS Password?

It is the security system that sends a one-time-usage password to your mobile phone via SMS, to be used for your Internet banking logins and some money transfer transactions and upon the usage, it automatically invalidates the password.