Internet Banking

The Halkbank Internet Branch, offered to you by Halkbank to simplify your life, enables you to easily conduct all banking transactions from the comfort of your home or office using your computer.

You may see all your financial information on a single screen with easy-to-use Halkbank Internet Branch, which directs you step by step in every transaction.

Upon accessing the Internet Branch, you can view your account information, payment details, investments, and debts all at once on a single screen. This facilitates easier management and tracking of your personal cash flow.

Moreover, you may perform your transactions safely with password methods our bank presents to you such as Şifrebaz/ Şifrebaz Cep or SMS Şifre. (Password Wizard / Mobile Password Wizard or SMS Password.)

Application to The Internet Branch

It is also very easy to start using Halkbank Internet Branch!

For personal membership process to start, please visit a Halkbank Branch Office to sign the Banking Services Contract, with your completed application form, ID card, a second proof of identification (driving license, public transportation pass card, foundation card with picture etc.)

You can obtain your Internet Branch password by utilizing the "Enter with Card" application using your Halkbank debit card or Paraf/Parafly credit card. For further information, you can visit the nearest Halkbank Branch and apply for the required details.

To begin using the Halkbank Corporate Internet Branch, simply visit a Halkbank Branch office to open a Current Commercial Deposit Account and complete the Application Form. Once the application form is filled out, you can select your desired transaction options in the Internet Branch and begin experiencing the convenient world that Halkbank provides.

Halkbank Internet Branch is Even More Secure with Your Personal Security Settings!

With the increasing prevalence of internet usage in recent years, there has been a significant rise in transactions conducted through the internet banking channel. Therefore, the security of services like shopping, investing, and banking via the internet has become even more crucial. Halkbank has made substantial investments in this area in Türkiye, offering the Internet Branch based on secure technology. The Halkbank Internet Branch allows you to carry out your transactions in an easy and secure manner.

Please refrain from clicking on any links in SMS or E-mails sent for fraudulent purposes that falsely appear to be from our bank using our name and logo. Similarly, avoid clicking on links in fake social media accounts that impersonate our bank to ensure the safety of your information.

Particulars you should pay attention to while using Halkbank Internet Branch

  • Halkbank will never requests your personal information or passwords via e-mail. If you receive an e-mail directing you to a site where you are asked to enter your personal information or password, please call 0 850 222 0 400 Halkbank Dialog and select option 24.
  • For the best experience, display and latest security while using Halkbank Internet Branch, make sure you are using an up-to-date browser.
  • If you intend to access our website or Internet Branch, manually enter the web page address directly into your browser's address bar.
  • When you are on entrance page of Internet Branch, make sure that "" is written at address section of your browser.
  • On the Internet Branch's main page, verify the presence of a padlock icon in your browser's lower bar. Ensure that the address information, as shown in the certificate when you double-click the lock, reads as issued to
  • In order to reach our web site, do not use addresses other than addresses of (such as,,
  • Do not load programs that are unlicensed or sources of which are not known on your computer.
  • It's advisable to install antivirus software on your internet-connected computer and ensure regular updates to maintain security.
  • Avoid accessing the Internet Branch in public areas like Internet Cafes where computers and the internet are extensively used for your security.
  • After completing your transactions at Halkbank Internet Branch, absolutely use “Secure Exit” button.
  • Licensed operating systems should be used and Windows security patches should be regularly applied. For eliminating security deficiencies, “update patches” which are published by software companies should be promptly applied. For Windows, address should be used.
  • Do not use unreliable programs (such as free internet games, file sharing programs) on the computers that you use to access the Internet Branch for security purposes.
  • In Instant Messaging –IM applications (such as MSN), file transfers should absolutely not be realized from unknown people.
  • Messages coming from people you do not know should be erased without being opened. Even if they come from the people you know, unreliable files that are in the attachment of incoming e-mails should not be operated.
  • In the computers through which access is made to Internet Branch, “Desktop Firewall” (personal security wall) or “windows firewall” applications should be used. Ports and services not used in these applications should be closed.
  • If ADSL modem is being used for having internet access, passwords of these modems coming as factory settings should be changed during installment. In modems providing wireless net support, entrance to wireless net should be made with password. These modems should be kept as closed while not being used.
  • In order to avoid for harmful codes to give damage to your system, entrance should be made to computers with user authorizations having restricted rights. It should not be operated with System Administrator rights.
  • While accessing the Internet Branch, it's advisable to use the virtual keyboard when entering passwords for additional security.
  • Passwords you use should not be simple and predictable (such as birth date, birthday etc.).
  • Do not click on emails that promise money or offer easy methods for making money, especially if they request you to update your personal information.
  • After logging into Halkbank Internet Branch, check your account transactions. In case of any unusual or suspicious activity, please contact 0850 222 0 400 Halkbank Dialog.