DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER - Information Technologies
Born in Istanbul in 1974, Olcay Atlıoğlu completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Control and Computer Engineering at Istanbul Technical University. He started his career in 1994 as a Software Developer at BİMA Software and went on to work at BELBİM Electronic Money and Payment Services, Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB), and Fortis Bank (formerly Dışbank). Atlıoğlu also worked for 10 years as an executive at Turkcell and Turkcell Technology. After serving as the Solution Development Director at Etiya in 2016, he joined the Halkbank family in 2017. Having worked as the Head of Department and Group Head at Halkbank Information Technologies, Atlıoğlu has been serving as the Deputy General Manager responsible for Information Technologies at Türkiye Halk Bankası AŞ as of July 28, 2021.